Wellness Skills


10 wellness skills to practice before 2022 🤩

Work on one each day until the new year🥳

*️⃣Wellness Skills are habits and tools used to improve your physical and mental well-being on a daily basis. The more consistent you are using them will result in ivinig a better quality of life.

1. Stress Management—Move your body, practice deep breathing, get quality sleep, eat nutritious & satisfying meals, talk/journal about your stressors.
2. Goal Setting—What goals do you want to focus on the upcoming months? Write a list and start to break them down into mini goals.
3. Exercise—Dance, strength train, run, take a yoga class-whatever you enjoy that makes you feel good, do it!
4. Reframing Statements—Listen to how you speak to yourself, when it's a negative statement try to flip your perspective.
5. Prioritize—Make time to focus on your family, friends, work and most importantly yourself!
6. Eating Balanced Meals- Meals that consist of protein, healthy fats, fiber and complex carbs are the most satisfying and will keep your energy high and blood sugar balanced
7. Mindful Eating—Listen to your hunger cues and honor them. Enjoy the glass of wine and the cookie! If you're craving something then eat it! Restriction leads to anxiety and binging.
8. Build Confidence—Talk yourself up! Tell yourself three things you love about yourself and why!
9. Practice Gratitude—Jot down a few things you're grateful for, remind yourself throughout the day if you start to feel down.
10. Self-Care-Enjoy a special dinner out, spa treatment, day off from electronics, therapy session, alone time.

Invest in yourself and practice these skills, your well-being is worth it

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